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Animals in Jersey
Although a small island, Jersey is home to a wide range of ecosystems and indigenous animals. The land itself includes the farmlands for which the island is famous, but also native habitats such as meadows, wetlands, woodlands, and coastal areas. Because the animals native to Jersey have been geographically isolated, there are many species that are unique to the island.

In addition to the Jersey cows for which the island is perhaps best known, there are a variety of mammal species here. Small mammals such as Jersey
bank vole
Bank Voles and a variety of native mice are the most common indigenous mammals. However, there are also species of rabbit and polecat present as well as the grey long-eared bat.

Jersey also is home to a small selection of native amphibians and reptiles. In fact, it is a very small selection, with only seven species known to exist on Jersey. These include common animals such as
Common toad
common toad and the
Grass Snake
grass snake along with more exotic species such as the Palmate newt and the slow-worm (Anguis fragilis).

The most common wildlife to be seen in Jersey are birds. In fact, the island is considered an important habitat for birds and is home to numerous avian reserves. The range of habitats on a relatively small island offers a rich and diverse bird habitat. The most common birds on the isle of Jersey include the Marsh Harrier (a rare and protected species), Cetti's Warbler, the Northern
Reed Warbler
Reed Warbler, and Reed Bunting. Since 1992, 188 separate species of bird have been observed on the island. Climate change is predicted to bring new and interesting bird species to the island, and measures are being taken to protect the existing fauna for which Jersey is known.

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